Sunday, May 10, 2009

Almost the Freshman 15

It's official. My worst nightmare has come true. After a visit to the doctor's office for my annual checkup, it has been confirmed. I gained the freshman 15. 

If you want to get all technical on me, I didn't really gain the freshman 15. I gained 14 lbs since I last visited the doctor. This is an important place to note that the last time I visited the doctor's and saw my weight, I left bawling because it was 5 lbs higher than I had expected and I quickly cut those few pounds. So now, I am 19 lbs above my ideal body weight. (I use the term "ideal" as how I would like my weight to be, not how the BMI chart says my weight should be. I don't want any of my readers thinking I'm morbidly obese, here.)

So I have started to solve the problem. On a whim of impulse and slight nostalgia (brought on when my dad gave me a bag that I had gotten from the half-marathon I completed last year), I decided it was time to fix things and get back my old body. I just signed up for a half marathon.

I can't run longer than 3 miles at this point in time, partly due to a knee injury and mostly due to lack of motivation. But by September 20, 2009, I will be running 13.1 miles. Oh boy.